moving house mistakes
Moving Advice

Top 10 Mistakes Made When Moving House and How to Avoid Them

Top 10 Mistakes Made When Moving House and How to Avoid Them

Moving house is often listed as one of the most stressful life events. Between packing up your entire life and adjusting to a new environment, it’s easy to make mistakes that can turn the process into a nightmare. However, by being aware of common pitfalls, you can plan more effectively and ensure a smoother transition. Here are the top 10 mistakes people make when moving house and tips on how to avoid them.

1. Not Planning Ahead

The Mistake
One of the most common mistakes is failing to plan adequately. Moving involves numerous tasks, from scheduling movers to notifying service providers, and trying to handle everything last minute can lead to chaos.

How to Avoid It
Start planning at least two months in advance. Create a detailed moving checklist that includes all the tasks you need to complete before, during, and after the move. Prioritise tasks and set deadlines for each one. This will help you stay organised and ensure nothing is overlooked. View our Checklist here: MOVING HOUSE CHECKLIST

2. Underestimating Time and Effort

The Mistake
Many people underestimate the time and effort required to pack their belongings, leading to rushed and careless packing.

How to Avoid It
Start packing well in advance. Begin with items you use infrequently and work your way to daily essentials. Aim to pack a few boxes each day rather than trying to do it all at once. This staggered approach reduces stress and ensures you pack carefully.

3. Skimping on Packing Supplies

The Mistake
Using inadequate or low-quality packing materials can result in damaged items during the move. This includes using old boxes, insufficient padding, and weak tape.

How to Avoid It
Invest in high-quality packing supplies. Purchase sturdy removal boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, and strong packing tape. Proper materials protect your belongings and provide peace of mind.
You can fine everything you need here: Moving House Packaging
View our Box Packs here: Moving House Boxes

4. Forgetting to Label & Number Removal Boxes

The Mistake
Failing to label removal boxes properly can lead to confusion and frustration when unpacking. It can be difficult to find essential items in a sea of unmarked boxes.

How to Avoid It
Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. Use a marker and write on the sides of the boxes so you can see the labels even when they are stacked. Consider using a colour-coding system for different rooms to make it even easier. Numbering your removal boxes also helps ensure you keep exact track of every item, especially if they are being handled by a removal company and kept in storage for any amount of time.

5. Not Decluttering Before the Move

The Mistake
Moving everything you own, including items you no longer need or use, adds unnecessary effort and cost to your move.

How to Avoid It
Take the opportunity to declutter before you start packing. Go through your belongings and sort items into categories: keep, donate, sell, and discard. This will reduce the volume of items you need to move and help you start fresh in your new home.

6. Ignoring Utility Transfers

The Mistake
Forgetting to transfer or set up utilities at your new home can leave you without essential services such as electricity, gas, water, and internet.

How to Avoid It
Contact your utility providers at least two weeks before your move to arrange for disconnection at your old address and connection at your new one. Confirm the dates and ensure everything is scheduled to be up and running when you move in.

7. Failing to Measure Furniture and Doorways

The Mistake
Arriving at your new home only to discover that your furniture doesn’t fit through the doors or into the rooms can be a major headache.

How to Avoid It
Measure your large furniture items and the doorways, hallways, and staircases in your new home before moving. This will help you determine if any items need to be disassembled or if you need to make alternate arrangements.

8. Overloading Boxes

The Mistake
Overpacking boxes makes them too heavy to carry and increases the risk of the boxes breaking or items getting damaged.

How to Avoid It
Follow the general rule of not exceeding 50 pounds per box. Use smaller removal boxes for heavy items like books and larger boxes for lighter items like linens. Distribute weight evenly and ensure boxes are not overfilled.

9. Neglecting to Secure Valuables

The Mistake
Placing valuables like jewellery, important documents, and electronics in boxes that will be loaded onto the moving truck can lead to loss or damage.

How to Avoid It
Pack valuables separately and keep them with you during the move. Use a personal bag or a secure box that you transport yourself to ensure these items are safe.

10. Not Hiring Professional Movers

The Mistake
Opting for a DIY move or hiring the cheapest movers without checking their credentials can result in damaged items, delays, or even scams.

How to Avoid It
Research and hire reputable professional movers. Read reviews, check credentials, and get quotes from multiple companies. Investing in a reliable moving service can save you a lot of stress and potential damage.

Additional Tips for a Smooth Move

Create an Essentials Box

Pack a box with items you’ll need immediately after arriving at your new home, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, basic kitchen supplies, and important documents. This will save you from rummaging through boxes to find necessities.

Notify Change of Address

Inform the necessary parties of your change of address, including your employer, bank, insurance companies, healthcare providers, and subscription services. Set up mail forwarding with the postal service to ensure you don’t miss any important correspondence. You can find our Checklist here: MOVING HOUSE CHECKLIST

Keep an Inventory

Maintain an inventory of all your packed boxes and their contents. This will help you keep track of your belongings and make unpacking more organised.
View our Inventory Checklist here: MOVING HOME CHECKLIST

Prepare Your New Home

Before moving in, ensure your new home is clean and ready for occupancy. Check that all utilities are connected and functioning. If possible, visit your new home a few days before the move to do a thorough cleaning and set up basic necessities.

Stay Calm and Flexible

Moving can be unpredictable, so it’s important to stay calm and flexible. Be prepared for minor setbacks and have a plan B in place for any unexpected issues. Keeping a positive attitude can make the process much more manageable.

Take Care of Yourself

Moving is physically and emotionally demanding. Remember to take breaks, stay hydrated, and eat properly. Consider enlisting the help of friends and family to share the workload and make the process more enjoyable.

Professional Packing Services

If packing feels overwhelming, consider hiring professional packers. They have the expertise to pack your belongings efficiently and safely, saving you time and stress.


Moving house doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By avoiding these common mistakes and following the tips provided, you can ensure a smoother, more organised move. Proper planning, careful packing, and taking the time to declutter can make a significant difference in your moving experience. Whether you’re moving across town or to a new city, being prepared and informed is the key to a successful relocation. Happy moving!