international moving home
Moving Advice

Internationally Moving Home: The Comprehensive Guide & Key Steps from Start to Finish

Internationally Moving Home: The Comprehensive Guide & Key Steps from Start to Finish

View, Download & Print Checklist here:  INTERNATIONAL MOVING HOME CHECKLIST 

Moving home is a significant life event, but moving internationally adds a whole new level of complexity. From managing logistics across countries to navigating different customs regulations, there are many crucial steps involved. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the entire process of an international move, ensuring you’re well-prepared and organised from start to finish.

Planning Your Move

1. Research Your Destination

Before making any concrete plans, spend time researching your new country. Consider factors such as:

– Cost of Living: Compare the cost of living between your current and new location. Websites like Numbeo can provide valuable insights.
– Healthcare: Understand the healthcare system and ensure you have appropriate health insurance.
– Education: If you have children, research schools and education standards.
– Cultural Differences: Learn about cultural norms and language barriers.
– Legal Requirements: Familiarise yourself with the visa and residency requirements.

2. Create a Timeline

Creating a timeline will help you stay organised and ensure you don’t miss any crucial deadlines. Key milestones might include:

– Six Months Before: Start decluttering, researching moving companies, and learning about your destination.
– Three Months Before: Finalise moving company, start packing non-essential items, and complete necessary paperwork.
– One Month Before: Confirm travel arrangements, start packing essentials, and notify relevant parties of your move.

View our example checklist HERE

3. Budgeting

Moving Home internationally can be expensive. Create a budget that includes:

– Moving Costs: Get quotes from international moving companies.
– Travel Expenses: Include flights, temporary accommodation, and transport.
– Insurance: Factor in health, travel, and moving insurance.
– Living Expenses: Consider initial costs like deposits for rent, utilities, and new furniture.

4. Choose a Reputable Moving Company

Selecting the right moving company is critical. Look for:

– Experience: Choose a company with extensive experience in international moves.
– Reviews: Read customer reviews and testimonials.
– Insurance: Ensure they offer comprehensive insurance coverage.
– Services: Consider if you need additional services like packing, storage, and pet relocation.

5. Visas and Immigration

Obtaining the correct visa is a crucial step. Research the visa types available and apply well in advance. Ensure you have all necessary documents, which may include:

– Passports: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your move date.
– Visa Application Forms: Complete these accurately.
– Supporting Documents: This could include proof of employment, financial stability, and accommodation.

6. Health and Medical

Ensure you have all necessary health arrangements in place:

– Health Insurance: Check if your current health insurance covers international moves or get a new plan.
– Medical Records: Obtain copies of your medical and dental records.
– Vaccinations: Some countries require specific vaccinations. Check the requirements and schedule appointments if needed.

7. Notify Relevant Authorities

Inform all necessary parties of your move:

– Local Authorities: Notify your current country’s tax office and local council.
– Financial Institutions: Inform your bank, credit card companies, and loan providers.
– Utilities: Arrange for the disconnection of utilities at your current home and connection at your new one.
– Postal Service: Set up mail forwarding to ensure you don’t miss important mail.

Preparing Your Belongings

8. Declutter and Downsize

International moves are costly, so it’s essential to declutter. Go through your belongings and decide what to keep, sell, donate, or discard. This process will reduce the volume of items to be moved and potentially lower your moving costs.

9. Inventory Your Belongings

Create a detailed inventory of your belongings. This will help with:

– Insurance: Ensuring you have adequate coverage.
– Customs: Many countries require an inventory list for customs clearance.
– Tracking: Keeping track of your items during the move.

10. Packing

Packing for an international move requires careful planning:

– Special Packing Materials: Invest in sturdy Removal Boxes, Bubble Wrap, and Packing Paper.
– Labelling: Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to.
– Essential Box: Pack a box with essential items you’ll need immediately upon arrival.

11. Shipping and Customs

Understanding shipping logistics and customs regulations is crucial:

– Shipping Options: Decide between air freight (faster but more expensive) and sea freight (slower but cheaper).
– Customs Regulations: Research the customs regulations of your destination country, including prohibited items and duties.
– Documents: Ensure you have all necessary documents, such as the inventory list, passport, visa, and bill of lading.

Personal Arrangements

12. Housing

Securing housing in your new country is a priority:

– Temporary Accommodation: Arrange for temporary housing if you can’t move directly into your new home.
– Long-Term Housing: If possible, visit the destination beforehand to find a suitable home. If not, work with a reputable real estate agent.

13. Schools and Education

If you have children, arranging their education is crucial:

– Research Schools: Investigate schools in your new area and understand the enrolment process.
– Transfer Records: Obtain and transfer your children’s school records.
– Language Support: If your children need language support, look for schools that offer assistance.

14. Pets

Moving with pets requires special considerations:

– Pet Relocation Services: Consider hiring a pet relocation service.
– Vaccinations and Health Certificates: Ensure your pets have the necessary vaccinations and health certificates required by the destination country.
– Travel Arrangements: Plan your pets’ travel, considering their comfort and safety.

15. Vehicle

If you’re planning to take your vehicle with you:

– Import Regulations: Check the import regulations of your destination country.
– Documents: Prepare necessary documents like the vehicle title and proof of ownership.
– Shipping: Arrange for vehicle shipping if needed.

Financial and Practical Matters

16. Banking

Setting up your finances in your new country is essential:

– Open a Bank Account: Research and open a bank account in your new country.
– Currency Exchange: Consider how you’ll manage currency exchange and transfer funds.
– Credit: Establishing credit in a new country can be challenging. Research the best ways to build credit in your new home.

17. Taxation

Understanding the tax implications of your move is crucial:

– Double Taxation Agreements: Check if your current and new country have a double taxation agreement to avoid being taxed twice.
– Professional Advice: Consider hiring a tax professional to help navigate the complexities of international tax laws.

18. Insurance

Ensure you have all necessary insurance coverage:

– Health Insurance: Confirm your health insurance covers international moves or get a new policy.
– Home Insurance: Arrange for home insurance in your new country.
– Life Insurance: Check if your life insurance policy remains valid after your move.

Settling In

19. Understanding Local Culture and Language

Adapting to a new culture and language can be challenging:

– Language Classes: Consider taking language classes if you’re moving to a country where you don’t speak the language.
– Cultural Integration: Join local clubs, organisations, and expat groups to integrate into the local community.

20. Healthcare

Registering for healthcare is a priority:

– Find a Doctor: Register with a local doctor and dentist as soon as possible.
– Healthcare System: Familiarise yourself with the healthcare system in your new country.

21. Transportation

Understanding your new country’s transportation options is essential:

– Public Transport: Learn about the public transport system and get any necessary passes or cards.
– Driving License: Check if your current driving license is valid or if you need to get a local one.

22. Utilities and Services

Setting up utilities and services is crucial:

– Utilities: Arrange for electricity, gas, water, and internet services.
– Service Providers: Set up accounts with local service providers for phone, TV, and other essential services.

23. Registering with Local Authorities

Registering with local authorities is often a legal requirement:

– Residence Registration: Check if you need to register your residence with local authorities.
– Voter Registration: If applicable, register to vote in your new country.

Final Steps

24. Stay Organised

Keep all important documents organised in a dedicated folder. This includes:

– Passports and Visas
– Insurance Policies
– Medical Records
– Moving Contracts
– Financial Documents

25. Keep Communication Open

Maintain open communication with your moving company, real estate agents, and any other relevant parties to ensure everything goes smoothly.

26. Stay Flexible

Be prepared for unexpected challenges. Stay flexible and adapt to changes as they come.

27. Seek Support

Moving internationally is a major life event. Don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professional counsellors if you find the process overwhelming.

28. Enjoy the Journey

While moving home internationally can be stressful, it’s also an exciting adventure. Embrace the experience, explore your new surroundings, and make the most of your new beginning.


Internationally moving home is a complex process that requires meticulous planning and organisation. From researching your destination to settling into your new home, each step is crucial for a successful transition.