Moving Checklist
Guides, Moving Checklist

Moving House Checklist: Accounts, Services, Suppliers, Bills, and Utilities

Moving House Checklist: Accounts, Services, Suppliers, Bills, and Utilities

Moving House involves more than just packing up your belongings. It’s also essential to update your address and manage your accounts, services, suppliers, bills, and utilities. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you stay organised and ensure a smooth transition to your new home.

Change of Address

Personal Accounts
Bank Accounts: Update your address with your bank(s).
Credit Cards: Notify all credit card companies of your new address.
Insurance: Update your address with health, home, car, and any other insurance providers.
Driver’s License: Change the address on your driver’s license and vehicle registration.
Passport: Notify the passport office of your new address if necessary.

Services and Subscriptions
Postal Service: Set up mail forwarding with your local post office.
Magazines and Newspapers: Update your address for all subscriptions.
Streaming Services: Change your address in your accounts for Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.
Gym Membership: Notify your gym of your move and update your membership details.

Government and Legal
Tax Office: Inform your local tax office or IRS of your new address.
Voting Registration: Update your voter registration details.
Social Security: Notify the social security office if applicable.

Employer: Inform your employer of your new address.
Schools: Notify your children’s school(s) and arrange for records to be transferred if needed.
Healthcare Providers: Update your address with your doctor, dentist, and any specialists.


Before Moving
Electricity: Notify your current provider of your move-out date and set up service at your new address.
Gas: Do the same for your gas provider.
Water: Inform your water supplier about your move.
Sewer and Waste: Notify relevant authorities of your change of address.
Internet and Cable: Schedule a disconnection date at your old address and set up installation at your new home.
Phone: Update your landline and mobile phone service providers.

On Moving Day
Meter Readings: Take final readings for electricity, gas, and water at your old home. Take initial readings at your new home.
Check Connections: Confirm that all utilities are functioning correctly in your new home.

Home Services

Moving Services
Removal Company: Book a reliable removal company well in advance.
Cleaning Services: Arrange for a deep clean of your new home before you move in and a final clean of your old home.

Ongoing Services
Gardening Services: Update your gardener with your new address.
Pest Control: Schedule any necessary pest control services.
Security Services: Transfer or set up new security services.

Financial Obligations

Rent/Mortgage: Notify your landlord or mortgage provider of your move.
Loan Providers: Update your address with any loan or finance companies.
Credit Report: Ensure your credit report reflects your new address.

Subscriptions and Regular Payments
Utility Bills: Settle any outstanding bills at your old address.
Subscription Services: Update your address for any regular deliveries (e.g., meal kits, beauty boxes).

Community and Social

Friends and Family
Notify: Send out change of address notifications to friends and family.

Local Services
Library: Return any borrowed items and update your address.
Clubs and Organisations: Inform any clubs, societies, or organisations you belong to.

Moving Day Essentials

Essentials Box: Pack a box with essential items you’ll need immediately upon arrival (toiletries, medications, snacks, cleaning supplies).
Important Documents: Keep important documents (ID, financial documents, medical records) in a safe, accessible place.

First Aid Kit: Have a first aid kit readily available.
Fire Extinguisher: Ensure you have a fire extinguisher handy in case of emergencies.

Final Checks
Double-Check: Ensure nothing is left behind and all windows and doors are secure in your old home.
Keys: Arrange to collect keys for your new home and return keys to your old property if necessary.

By following this comprehensive checklist, you can ensure a smooth and organised move, minimising disruptions and making the transition to your new home as seamless as possible. Happy moving!

Here’s a comprehensive moving home checklist in a spreadsheet format, organised by categories and tasks. You can copy this into a spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other similar tool.

Moving Home Checklist

Category Task Done
Change of Address Update address with bank(s) [ ]
  Notify credit card companies [ ]
  Update health insurance provider [ ]
  Update home insurance provider [ ]
  Update car insurance provider [ ]
  Change address on driver’s license [ ]
  Update vehicle registration [ ]
  Notify passport office (if necessary) [ ]
  Set up mail forwarding [ ]
  Update magazine subscriptions [ ]
  Update newspaper subscriptions [ ]
  Change address on streaming services (Netflix, Amazon Prime) [ ]
  Notify gym of new address [ ]
  Inform local tax office/IRS [ ]
  Update voter registration [ ]
  Notify social security office (if applicable) [ ]
  Inform employer of new address [ ]
  Notify children’s school(s) [ ]
  Update address with doctor [ ]
  Update address with dentist [ ]
  Update address with specialists [ ]
Utilities Notify current electricity provider of move-out date [ ]
  Set up electricity service at new address [ ]
  Notify current gas provider of move-out date [ ]
  Set up gas service at new address [ ]
  Inform water supplier of move [ ]
  Notify sewer and waste authorities [ ]
  Schedule internet disconnection and installation at new home [ ]
  Update landline phone service [ ]
  Update mobile phone service [ ]
  Take final meter readings at old home [ ]
  Take initial meter readings at new home [ ]
  Confirm utility connections at new home [ ]
Home Services Book removal company [ ]
  Arrange deep clean of new home [ ]
  Arrange final clean of old home [ ]
  Update gardener with new address [ ]
  Schedule pest control services [ ]
  Transfer or set up new security services [ ]
Financial Obligations Notify landlord/mortgage provider of move [ ]
  Update address with loan providers [ ]
  Ensure credit report reflects new address [ ]
  Settle outstanding utility bills [ ]
  Update address for subscription services [ ]
Community and Social Notify friends and family of new address [ ]
  Return borrowed items to library [ ]
  Update address with clubs and organizations [ ]
Moving Day Essentials Pack essentials box [ ]
  Keep important documents accessible [ ]
  Have first aid kit available [ ]
  Ensure fire extinguisher is handy [ ]
  Double-check nothing is left behind [ ]
  Ensure windows and doors are secure [ ]
  Arrange key collection for new home [ ]
  Return keys to old property [ ]

This checklist will help you stay organised and ensure you don’t miss any important steps when moving home. Each task has a corresponding “Done” column where you can check off completed items.