moving house kids
Moving Advice

Moving House with Kids: Turning Packing into a Fun Family Activity

Moving with Kids:

Moving House can be a challenging and stressful process for everyone involved, especially children. However, involving your kids in the packing process and turning it into a fun family activity can make the experience more enjoyable and less daunting for them. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various ideas for involving children in the packing process, using kid-friendly boxes and activities. We will also discuss strategies for keeping kids entertained and engaged during the move.

Why Involve Kids in the Packing Process?

Involving children in the packing process has several benefits:

    1. Reduces Anxiety: Moving to a new home can be overwhelming for children. Involving them in the process helps reduce their anxiety and makes them feel more in control.
    2. Builds Responsibility: Packing their own belongings teaches kids about responsibility and organisation.
    3. Creates Positive Memories: Turning packing into a fun activity can create positive memories associated with the move.
    4. Strengthens Family Bonds: Working together as a family can strengthen bonds and create a sense of teamwork.

Preparing for the Move: Setting the Stage

Before diving into the packing process, it’s essential to set the stage for a smooth and fun move. Here are some preparatory steps:

1. Communicate with Your Kids

Explain the moving process to your children in a way they can understand. Highlight the positive aspects of the move, such as exploring a new neighbourhood or having a bigger yard to play in. Answer any questions they might have and address their concerns.

2. Involve Them in Planning

Include your kids in the planning process. Show them the new house and discuss how their new rooms will look. Let them choose the colours for their new rooms or pick out new decorations. This involvement makes them feel valued and excited about the move.

3. Create a Moving Timeline

Create a visual moving timeline with your children. Use a calendar to mark important dates, such as packing days, moving day, and the day they start at their new school. This timeline helps them understand the process and stay organised.

Kid-Friendly Packing Activities

Now that you’ve set the stage, it’s time to dive into the packing process. Here are some kid-friendly packing activities to make the process fun and engaging:

1. Packing Boxes as Art Projects

Turn plain moving boxes into creative art projects. Provide your kids with markers, stickers, and paint to decorate their boxes. They can draw pictures, write their names, and add colourful designs. This activity not only makes packing fun but also helps identify their boxes easily.

2. Scavenger Hunt Packing

Create a scavenger hunt game where your kids have to find specific items in their room and pack them. Make a list of items and give them clues to find each one. This game adds an element of adventure to packing and keeps them engaged.

3. Packing Party

Host a packing party with music, snacks, and games. Create a festive atmosphere by playing your children’s favourite songs and providing their favourite treats. Incorporate packing challenges, such as who can pack the most toys in a box or who can finish packing their clothes first.

4. Story Time Packing

Turn packing into story time by creating a narrative around the move. Tell a story about a family of adventurers moving to a new land and needing to pack their belongings. As you pack, weave the story around the items you’re packing, making the process more imaginative and engaging.

5. Box Fort Building

After packing some boxes, take a break and use the empty ones to build a box fort. This activity provides a fun break from packing and allows kids to use their creativity. Once the fort is built, they can play inside it while you continue packing.

6. Personalised Packing Lists

Give each child a personalised packing list for their room. Make the lists colourful and visually appealing, with checkboxes next to each item. This task teaches them organisation and helps ensure nothing is left behind.

7. Reward System

Create a reward system for completed packing tasks. For every box they pack, they earn a sticker or token. At the end of the day, they can exchange their tokens for a small prize or treat. This system adds motivation and a sense of accomplishment.

Keeping Kids Engaged During the Move

Packing is just one part of the moving process. Keeping kids entertained and engaged during the actual move is equally important. Here are some strategies to ensure a smooth moving day:

1. Prepare an Activity Bag

Pack a special activity bag for each child filled with their favourite toys, books, and snacks. Include coloring books, puzzles, and small games to keep them occupied during the move. This bag provides a sense of familiarity and comfort.

2. Assign Moving Day Roles

Give each child a specific role on moving day. Younger children can be “helpers” who assist with small tasks, while older kids can have more significant responsibilities, such as overseeing the packing of certain items. These roles give them a sense of purpose and involvement.

3. Arrange Childcare

If possible, arrange for childcare on moving day. A trusted friend or family member can take care of your kids, keeping them entertained and away from the chaos of moving. This arrangement allows you to focus on the move while ensuring your children are safe and happy.

4. Create a Moving Day Playlist

Compile a playlist of your children’s favourite songs to play during the move. Music can be a great distraction and mood booster. Sing along and dance together to make the moving process more enjoyable.

5. Moving Day Picnic

Plan a moving day picnic in your new backyard or living room. Pack a picnic basket with sandwiches, fruit, and snacks. This activity provides a fun break and helps your kids feel at home in their new surroundings.

6. Explore the New Neighbourhood

Take breaks during the move to explore the new neighbourhood with your kids. Visit a nearby park, walk around the block, or check out local shops. Familiarising them with their new environment can reduce anxiety and increase excitement.

7. Unpack Their Rooms First

Prioritise unpacking your children’s rooms once you arrive at the new house. Having their space set up first gives them a sense of stability and helps them settle in quickly. Involve them in arranging their furniture and decorations to make it feel like their own.

Making the Transition Smooth

After the move, helping your children adjust to their new home is crucial. Here are some tips for making the transition smooth:

1. Maintain Routines

Stick to familiar routines as much as possible. Consistent meal times, bedtimes, and daily activities provide a sense of normalcy and security.

2. Encourage Social Connections

Help your children make new friends by organising playdates or joining local clubs and activities. Encouraging social connections helps them feel more at home in their new environment.

3. Be Patient and Understanding

Adjusting to a new home can take time. Be patient and understanding if your children express sadness or anxiety. Listen to their concerns and reassure them that it’s okay to feel this way.

4. Celebrate the New Home

Host a small celebration to mark the move. It could be a family dinner, a movie night, or a special outing. Celebrating the new home helps create positive associations and excitement for this new chapter.


Moving with kids doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By involving your children in the packing process and turning it into a fun family activity, you can make the move enjoyable and memorable for everyone. Using kid-friendly boxes and activities keeps them engaged and reduces anxiety. Additionally, keeping them entertained and involved during the move and helping them adjust to the new home ensures a smooth transition.

With careful planning, creativity, and patience, you can transform moving with kids into a positive and rewarding experience. Remember, the key is to make the process fun, involve your children every step of the way, and provide plenty of reassurance and support.